Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thing 9: Online Collaboration Tools

Looking at my last post just now, I've decided I will try to keep these entries brief. If I saw a post like that last one on one of your blogs I wouldn't bother to read it. Hell, I wouldn't even skim it. I'm not being mean, I'm just being honest. It's too much. And two thirds of it doesn't even have anything to do with these 23 Things. Not that I'd know that for certain, cuz I'm not reading it anyways. I guess I'm trying to empathize with my readers. Both of you.

I really liked these collaboration tools. I prefer Google to Zoho. It just seemed easier to use. Zoho is like something Fisher-Price would put out for kids. Like Baby's-First-Blackberry or a Close-n-Play Laptop. I wish I had been familiar with Google Docs last quarter cuz it would have totally helped me out with my HLC committee. I see myself using Google Docs a lot in the future and pushing it on anyone who will listen to me.

I'd speculate that the Founding Fathers would have loved these things. Most obviously, cuz they were all rich, white guys. I don't know a rich, white guy alive today that doesn't love messing around with technology. They have all that hardware laying around their office, and a copy of GTA4 sitting in the in-box. They never do anything productive with any of it, but they do love to talk about it like they use it all the time for work related stuff. As if they have actually road tested it and pushed it to its limits. You guys don't fool me. Buncha rich white guys.

Oh, the stories I could regale you with about those guys. Maybe some other time.

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